Seller Help

We can ship drills to your customer's quickly by US First Class Mail so they are not waiting 4+ weeks for international shipping from the manufacturers. All inventory in stock ships from Seattle, WA, USA!
We do not ship internationally, but we welcome International companies to shop with us for shipping to their USA customers. We currently have companies from Canada, Australia, Philippines, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and China who buy from us to ship to their USA customers.
Leave a kind message, include order number or any other identifying information that will help your customer identify that these drills are coming from YOU. We strongly suggest you include your Company name and email address so your customer can contact you if necessary.
If you leave the Gift Message area blank, the order is treated normally and the packing slip will including pricing and may confuse your customer thinking they were charged. Please ALWAYS include a gift message. Email us at if you need to edit or update and order to include a Gift Message.
Our drills may not match the drills your customer already has from your kit. We offer no color-matching guarantee. Dye lots differ with every batch of drills made by every manufacturer that makes them. We cannot control the shades provided by our suppliers. Please see our Dye Lot Policy for more information.
We only sell drills based off the DMC color system. We cannot help get specialty drills from other Brand Name companies that have their own color system. We do not sell crystals, special shaped gems, or rhinestones.
We cannot color-match drills based off photos or samples. We cannot provide you or your customer any artistic advice about their project. We simply sell extra drills for those who need them.
We are a small, home-based business with limited inventory, limited space, and limited time. We cannot accept orders via email, spreadsheets, POs/Invoices, or allow you to sell our products on your website. All orders must be placed through the standard shopping cart process. Thank you for understanding the limitations of our small company.