Meet the Team!

Hi! I'm Theresa!

I started diamond painting in December 2017 & quickly fell in love with the craft. I created the Etsy shop DiamondDrillsUSA in March 2018 when I realized there were no USA resources to get extra drills. I started the Etsy store with just a few spare packs of drills I had left over from my own personal projects. 5 years later, we are still a small business and run the whole operation out of a one-bedroom apartment in Downtown Seattle. 

This is Dad - The Shipping Manager

My father Mike may be 80-years-old, but he is my Employee of the Month - EVERY month! Dad helps me package orders 6 days a week! We enjoy spending quality time together & packing up orders with extra love & care. 

This is Lovie - The Office Manager

When she's not overseeing daily operations, she is usually sleeping in Theresa's chair or playing with the recycling. 

Our little family appreciates your support our small business!